Monday, October 6, 2008

Change of plans

Well, as India continues to remind me, one must be prepared for plans to change, in fact, I am not sure the word plan or schedule, itinerary etc even exists in any of the hundreds of Indian native languages and dialects.

My friend's flight was canceled for unknown reasons and somehow the best sollution was to cancel the trip altogether... Ask me not for further explanation.

So, without further ado, I leave today for Jodhpur. The same Jodhpur that made international headlines just a week ago for a stampede of people trying to get into a temple that killed more than 150 people... Should be an interesting place.

My solo trip continues, but I am now anxiously awaiting a second, (first now) visitor, Sebastiaan! A good friend of mine from the Netherlands who promises to bring Stroop waffels and a great laugh :) in about 2 weeks.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Yay, Jess!

On the road again (;