A transformation has occured in this tiny humble village. They have taken a giant step forward and with the financial and logistical partnership between Rustic Pathways and the Urubamba municipal government, there is now electricity in Socma! Once again, I feel so incredibly lucky to be a part of this historical and life-changing project, however small. My thanks and admiration go out to Alex, Max, Gabe, Juan and Jessemin who initiated, facilitated and made this all possible for these people, my Peruvian family.
This past weekend was one of much celebrating in the form of dancing, dining and drinking (who could ask for more? :). Not only was Saturday the 1st, the inauguration of the electricification, something almost 2 years in the making, but it coincided with Aug 2nd, the anniversary of Socma. Two straight days of festivities with entire neighboring villages coming to take part.
Friday was the first official day that light began streaming from the one bulb that had been installed in town. Late at night, while enjoying our candlelit dinner a beam burst through the window and despite knowing the power would be coming soon, we sat for a moment in confusion. Was it a truck coming up the way? Someone's flashlight? Nope, the municipality had indeed followed through and Socma was alight! Once the kids went to bed, I was invited out back to share a crate of beers that had been bought for the occasion. Now, I'm not allowed to drink at all while the kids are in my care for obvious reasons - obvious to most, but not to them. "Come on! Big occasion! Historical moment! Part of the family! Just a little (never!)". You simply cannot say no. It is a sticky cultural situation. It is very special for me to sit among the community heads, my co-guide Max, one of the DJs from Urubamba and discuss many poignent subjects while Socma's first light enveloped our little group and it took all my slyness to pour most of the bottles out behind me between conspicuous sips and saluds! I went to bed that night with, for the first time, a glow embracing my tent and wonder sparkling in my imagination as to what this development meant for my little Socma.

I hadn't seen your b-day post until now... I just read your two most recent entries. Funny to think the last time I talked to you was right before all of this happened! I did peek at your FB page a few times on your bday just to revel in the delight of how many friends and genuine admirers you have, my dear ;) It warmed my heart even, so yours must have been on fire!
Very happy to know those birthday spankings came in some form. I would have been disappointed too if you didn't fit dancing in there somewhere. I can very much picture you salsa-ing the night away. Literally... 4 am... you need a talking-to from my mother hen side. Jessy.
It will be cool to hear more about, well maybe I sound a bit uninformed but, how electricity is brought about. What history you're making my dear.
Love you so!
You sound good. Where ever you go people love you and you love them. You have a great talent and you are a amazingly hard worker and example. Happy birthday and keep up all you do.
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