Monday, June 9, 2008


I am booked on a night train tonight heading back down to Delhi to pick up the first group of students. Im looking forward to the program starting and getting to share in the exploration of these kids! I will have a couple days though before they get in to finish up my own shopping and do a little more sight seeing. I wish I could bring a little of this cool mountain air with me, as Delhi was stifling the one day I was there before, but I'm afraid I'm just going to have to melt.

I haven't much time left in the cafe but I wanted to catch up just a bit more.

My first day in Delhi was spent sightseeing. Dressed in long linen sleeves over a long dress, we hired a jeep (with AC - high rollers ;) for the day to take us to various temples and ancient monuments. I was literally salivating over the colors! Women dressed in bright Saris of every possible color with gold and silver embelishments. I was impressed by the fact that they were in pristine condition and perfectly pressed and clean, in direct contrast to the city streets they walked. Piles of various vegetables, some of which I couldn't identify were to be found on every corner and all types of mobile shops including chai, samosas and other interesting street foods, shoe shiners, ear cleaners, shavers, tire fixers and who knows what else! Anything to earn your daily rupee.

I was lucky enough to have my very own run-in with an ear cleaner! I had already heard from another Rustic Pathway staff about a time that he had been conned into getting his ear cleaned. They actually pack your ear full of crap as a slight of hand - you never see it coming and then they ask 5 times the initial price to get it all out. My friend ended up refusing to pay, walked away, and it wasn't until 6 months later when he visited his own doctor that he discovered he had a blob of gunk the size a marble in his ear! Needless to say I was warry - but on the other hand, I kind of enjoy humoring guys like this once in a while... a lesson perhaps I should learn :). To make a long story short, I allowed this kid to just look in my ear, which prompted him to tell me "Oh, you very dirty! You like celebrity but you are too dirty!" I told him that wasn't the first time I had heard that ;). He did not release my ear for the next 5 minutes while I walked away from him and he even swabbed my ear producing some black gel substance supposedly from my ear. Ha, by this time, we had a few on-lookers enjoying the show and I had to bow out.

I bought a couple pieces of Indian clothing, my first Salwar Kamis and believe I got taken in the first purchase. The entire outfit would fit about 3 of me and I was told afterwards by another shopkeeper it was "baba gi size" Live and learn :). I have eaten some amazing Indian food - like nothing I have had anywhere else and there is still so much left to try!

My time is up - off to Delhi and hopefully more before long!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

What a funny story about the ear-cleaning. Sounds like a feast for the senses, Jess!