Thursday, June 19, 2008

Trading Places

A quick entry to let you all know that I will be heading up to Tashi Jong today, a small rural village east of Mcleod Ganj. I was supposed to spend 2 weeks in Mcleod and the second two with the new group in Tashi but, since we have 36 kids then instead of 10, we decided I was needed more in Mcleod. I would still like to experience little Tashi, so I will trade with Tina just for a week.

The basketball court is looking good with the patch of ground leveled off thanks to the hard work of the kids in the rain and mud. My one bit of bad new is that yesterday I managed to lose ALL of my pictures taken thus far in India! Trust I am more than a little upset about this. I stuck my card into a card reader provided by the inet cafe and somehow it zapped it so that I now have no images on the card... I had some brilliant shots of a Tibetan protest, beautiful Indian construction work-women dressed in their elegant saris, the kids making chapati with the locals at the Sikh temple... I was really looking forward to sharing the next round and now, not only do you not get to see them, I no longer do either. *sigh* Life goes on, but this definitely stings.

Hopefully I will get a chance to update while in Tashi, otherwise, I will be in Delhi once again around the 26th and back up in Mcleod after that!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

I am so sorry about your pictures Jess. Isn't that nuts that just one *ZAP* and it's over ): You will take a thousand + more, it's okay.